Friday, May 30, 2008

And They're Off!!!

OK, so I am new at this stuff, hang in there with me and we'll get it eventually. I am sitting here in the Courtyard Marriot by the Nashville airport composing this post at Some wee hour of the AM. I am in the lobby while my family and one contraband and slightly doped cat are snoozing away. Today we left our former home--Knoxville, and headed west. It all became very real after months, weeks and days of sureal. (AAAHHHHH!!! I just realized as i tried to hook up the cable to the camara that I have the wrong cable and the right one is somewhere between here and Dallas. #@!&$!!!. ) Well. How funny. I was going to use all these crazy pics to demonstrate how loony it was to have strangers, albeit nice ones, come pack my house in a few short hours and leave me with boxes literally stacked to the ceiling. Then the next day, a GREEN and YELLOW tracktor trailor backs into our driveway and swallows all our earthly possesions (with the help of 3 ex-marines or convicts or both). In the midst off all this there is of course a bunch of paperwork, and as I am signing my life away and contemplating the thought off all our stuff careening off the side of the interstate, I am actually momentarily filled with peace knowing all I need is In HIM and the most treasured and valuable things Brandon and I have together have little heartbeats and will not be in a moving van headed to Dallas, but right there beside us.........Then I realize that that means right there beside us for SEVEN DAYS in our Dodge caravan, and I can't help but smile and maybe panic (just a little).
So pictures wil have to wait a bit--There has to be a Wal-Mart between here and California- but hopefully we can get some on here because they really are fun. My eyes are barely open so I think I will wander back to the room and try to sneak in without waking anyone. We'll post more tomarrow. Good night and miss everyone already.



Laura Crooks said...

Well, this is the first blog post for me, so I'm new at this too. What a great entry, Kelly. I felt as if we were right there with you watching your belongings being loaded into the endlessly long semi. (Wait, we were there!)

We already miss you, but are entrusting you to God's care. He has given me peace each time I've been anxious and sad knowing that His plan is being worked out in your lives. It is comforting to know that you are where He wants you even if it is not where we would selfishly choose.

Love you guys and look forward to tracking your trip.


wvtn said...

Finally we think we're in. If this works we'll add more tomorrow.

Dad and Mom

Laura said...

Hey Brandon and Kelly,

So glad you have a blog. Look forward to hearing about your week trip out west. And to catch up on you guys in California. Been thinking of you guys this week and am going to miss you. So glad for something like this - a blog - to keep us in touch.

Love you guys!

Laura Campbell

mattkat2006 said...


That is awesome! Sound slike it was quite a trip. Keep blogging and I'll keep reading.


Cousin Kathy